Millennium Glasgow Hotel
Millennium Glasgow Hotel
Millennium Glasgow Hotel
Millennium Glasgow Hotel
Millennium Glasgow Hotel
Millennium Glasgow Hotel

Millennium Glasgow Hotel

40 George Square, Glasgow, United Kingdom

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The Millennium Hotel Glasgow is a striking Victorian building with an impressive façade, which is conveniently situated in Glasgow city centre. This hotel combines stylish architecture and an ideal location with excellent service and modern facilities. 

The hotel offers guests traditional charm, contemporary amenities, a warm and friendly service. Guests can enjoy the impressive surroundings and architecture of George Square during their short but memorable moment. Glasgow is a thriving city and business centre, which offers visitors outstanding cultural and nightlife attractions. 

Guests staying at this hotel will appreciate its proximity to many local venues and attractions, as well as to the tranquil Scottish countryside. The hotel also offers easy access to many road, rail and air transport links.

Comodidades do hotel

Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Centro Comercial
Centro Comercial
Sala de Conferência
Sala de Conferência
Wifi Gratuito
Wifi Gratuito
Estacionamento Próximo
Estacionamento Próximo(£ 12)
Acesso para Deficientes (a pedido)
Acesso para Deficientes (a pedido)

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40 George Square, Glasgow, United Kingdom

(11) 4380 3483