Marriott Bonn World Conference Center
Marriott Bonn World Conference Center
Marriott Bonn World Conference Center
Marriott Bonn World Conference Center
Marriott Bonn World Conference Center
Marriott Bonn World Conference Center
Marriott Bonn World Conference Center

Marriott Bonn World Conference Center

Platz der Vereinten Nationen 4, 53113, Bonn, Germany

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Bonn’s newest hotel in the middle of the former government district
The new Bonn Marriott World Conference Hotel is located in the middle of the former government district of the “Beethoven City” – on the banks of the Rhine and in close proximity to the World Conference Center Bonn and the famous Museum Mile. From the hotel lobby you have direct access to the adjacent GOP Varieté-Theater.
The Bonn Marriott World Conference Hotel is always the right choice. Whether you are looking for modern design, a high level of comfort, excellent service or a choice location, the Bonn Marriott World Conference Hotel will fulfill your expectations and ensure a relaxing stay.

Comodidades do hotel

Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Sala de Conferência
Sala de Conferência
Wifi Gratuito
Wifi Gratuito
Estacionamento pago
Estacionamento pago(€ 20)
Piscina Interna
Piscina Interna

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Platz der Vereinten Nationen 4, 53113, Bonn, Germany

(11) 4380 3483