Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles
Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles

Hotel Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles

118 Rue de Tocqueville, Paris, France

4.8/5 | 15 Opiniões

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Estamos curtindo

  • room
    Um quarto acolhedorLa décoration de la chambre vous inspirera sûrement pour votre chez-vous.
  • bar
    Máxima SimpatiaAvec ses nombreux vins blancs, le Bar à Bourgogne porte bien son nom.
  • well-being
    Bem-estar de RealezaEntre les plantes et l’air frais, le patio vous fera bien respirer.

Right in the 17th arrondissement, the Mercure Paris 17 Batignolles is the ideal starting point for an unforgettable stay in the capital. 134 comfortable bedrooms offer a restful sleep, with balcony and views of the rooftops of Paris and the Eiffel Tower for some. Relax at the hotels Bar a Bourgogne or on the patio. Whether with family, friends or for business, you'll love the chic contemporary decor.

Comodidades do hotel

Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Centro Comercial
Centro Comercial
Sala de Conferência
Sala de Conferência
Animais aceitos
Animais aceitos

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118 Rue de Tocqueville, Paris, France

(11) 4380 3483