The Sebel Sydney Martin Place
The Sebel Sydney Martin Place
The Sebel Sydney Martin Place
The Sebel Sydney Martin Place
The Sebel Sydney Martin Place
The Sebel Sydney Martin Place
The Sebel Sydney Martin Place
The Sebel Sydney Martin Place
The Sebel Sydney Martin Place

The Sebel Sydney Martin Place

165 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

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Reserva padrão Dayuse
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Condições específicas

Informações de pagamento

  • Este hotel não aceita pagamento em dinheiro

Estamos curtindo

  • room
    Um quarto acolhedorAll rooms have comfortable beds ready for you.
  • wifi
    Sempre conectadosGuests have unlimited free Wi-Fi for up to 2 devices.
  • point-of-interest
    Bairro a ExplorarLocated in Sydney's Central Business District, next to Martin Place Station, you are a 15-minute walk from Sydney Opera House and the Museum of Contemporary Art.

Experience the freedom of space in style, at the newly refurbished, The Sebel Sydney Martin Place. Nestled in the heart of Sydney CBD, close to Sydney's #1 shopping destination and Circular Quay, home of the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House. We've partnered with our favourite local cafes: La Riviera & Piccolo Me. Our guests can add breakfast to their bookings for a luxurious experience with curved plum chairs and perfect banquette seating or order in-room dining experience via QR code.

Comodidades do hotel


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165 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

(11) 4380 3483